Friday, 19 June 2015

One-rank One-pension Scheme

All you need to know about OROP:

Source: Times of India

Why are the demanding OROP?

  • Uncertain future
    • about 9 out of 10 retire from services between ages 34-48
    • Soldiers, sailors, airmen at the lowest level are the hardest hit because after a near nomadic life in the armed forces, they most likely do not own too many assets, a home nor have an alternative income stream. 
    • They have no clear prospect of a second lease of working life either.
  • But why do they retire early at first?
    • Fighting fitness needed in forces --> Young blood needed
  • Number of people affected
    • ~25 lakh ex-servicemen and if dependents are also counted then about 3 times i.e. 70 lakh people.
  • Modi is backing out
    • Modi assured on the floor of Parliament and elsewhere, that OROP was a settled matter and the solution had his imprimatur. 
  • SC favoured ORP in 1982!
  • Financial need is small only - 8300 cr. 


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