Friday 17 July 2015

Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act 2015

Why in news?
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has revamped the General Insurance Council (GI Council), the official representative body of 29 general insurers, with the addition of five new members but excluded the broking community from the proposed self-regulatory organisation (SRO). 
The Insurance (Amendment) 2015 Act provides for restructuring of existing official representatives bodies like GIC and Life Insurance Council to enable them to operate more like an SRO.
Broking community is unhappy about this.

Major Highlights of the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2015

Provides for Enhancement of the Foreign Investment Cap in an Indian Insurance Company from 26% to an Explicitly Composite Limit of 49% with the Safeguard of Indian Ownership and Control; 
Provides Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) with Flexibility to Discharge its Functions More Effectively and Efficiently Among Others 

1. The passage of the Bill thus paved the way for major reform related amendments in the Insurance Act, 1938, the General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972 and the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Act, 1999. 

2. Capital Availability: In addition to the provisions for enhanced foreign equity, the amended law will enable capital raising through new and innovative instruments under the regulatory supervision of IRDAI. 
  • Impact: Greater availability of capital for the capital intensive insurance sector would lead to greater distribution reach to under / un-served areas, more innovative product formulations to meet diverse insurance needs of citizens, efficient service delivery through improved distribution technology and enhanced customer service standards. 
  • The four public sector general insurance companies, presently required as per the General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Act, 1972 (GIBNA, 1972) to be 100% government owned, are now allowed to raise capital, - subject to the Government equity not being less than 51% at any point of time.

3. Consumer Welfare: will enable the interests of consumers to be better served through provisions like those enabling penalties on intermediaries / insurance companies for misconduct and disallowing multilevel marketing of insurance products in order to curtail the practice of mis-selling - for various violations including mis-selling and misrepresentation by agents / insurance companies.  
  • With a view to serve the interest of the policy holders better, the period during which a policy can be repudiated on any ground, including mis-statement of facts etc., will be confined to three years from the commencement of the policy and no policy would be called in question on any ground after three years.
  • The amendments provide for an easier process for payment to the nominee of the policy holder 

4. Empowerment of IRDAI: The Act will entrust responsibility of appointing insurance agents to insurers and provides for IRDAI to regulate their eligibility, qualifications and other aspects. It enables agents to work more broadly across companies in various business categories - conflict of interest would not be allowed by IRDAI through suitable regulations.
  • IRDAI is empowered to regulate key aspects of Insurance Company operations in areas like solvency, investments, expenses and commissions and to formulate regulations for payment of commission and control of management expenses.
  • It empowers the Authority to regulate the functions, code of conduct, etc., of surveyors and loss assessors. 
  • expands the scope of insurance intermediaries to include insurance brokers, re- insurance brokers, insurance consultants, corporate agents, third party administrators, surveyors and loss assessors and such other entities, as may be notified by the Authority from time to time.
  • Further, properties in India can now be insured with a foreign insurer with prior permission of IRDAI; which was earlier to be done with the approval of the Central Government.

5. Health Insurance: The amendment Act defines 'health insurance business' inclusive of travel and personal accident cover and discourages non-serious players by retaining capital requirements for health insurers at the level of Rs. 100 Crore, thereby paving the way for promotion of health insurance as a separate vertical.

6. Promoting Reinsurance Business in India: The amended law enables foreign reinsurers to set up branches in India and defines‘re-insurance’ - thereby excludes the possibility of 100% ceding of risk to a re-insurer, which could lead to companies acting as front companies for other insurers. Further, it enables Lloyds and its members to operate in India through setting up of branches for the purpose of reinsurance business or as investors in an Indian Insurance Company within the 49% cap.

7. Strengthening of Industry Councils: The Life Insurance Council and General Insurance Council have now been made self-regulating bodies by empowering them to frame bye-laws for elections, meetings and levy and collect fees etc. from its members. Inclusion of representatives of self-help groups and insurance cooperative societies in insurance councils has also been enabled to broad base the representation on these Councils. [new is related to this aspect]

8. Robust Appellate Process: Appeals against the orders of IRDAI are to be preferred to SAT as the amended Law provides for any insurer or insurance intermediary aggrieved by any order made by IRDAI to prefer an appeal to the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT).

  • incorporate enhancements in the Insurance Laws in keeping with the evolving insurance sector scenario and regulatory practices across the globe. 
  • will enable the Regulator to create an operational framework for greater innovation, competition and transparency, to meet the insurance needs of citizens in a more complete and subscriber friendly manner. 
  • The amendments are expected to enable the sector to achieve its full growth potential and contribute towards the overall growth of the economy and job creation.
[Ref : Indian Express, PIB]


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