Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Project

Why in news?
Proposal for restructuring the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) project, which is aimed at protecting and conserving the coastal environment, was approved by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) in July 2015

Detail of the Project:
  • Based on the recommendations of the expert committee report of the Prof M. S. Swaminathan, the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) is making efforts to implement an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Plan since 2010
    • Accordingly, the Central Government has issued CRZ-2011 notification (see below)
  • The project, with the assistance of the world bank, is aimed at protecting and preserving the coastal environment.
  • ICZM project with a cost estimate of Rs 1155.63 crore for a period of five years that is up to March 31, 2015. 
  • The MoEF has initiated Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project by establishing a Society of Integrated Coastal Management (SICOM). 
  • Under the project, SICOM will be implementing the four components, namely, 
    • (i) National Coastal Management Programme; 
    • (ii) ICZM-West Bengal; 
    • (iii) ICZM-Orissa; 
    • (iv) ICZM-Gujarat. 
  • National component includes 
    • (a) Demarcation of hazard line for mapping the entire coastline of the mainland of the country; 
    • (b) A National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM) has been established within the campus of Anna University, Chennai with its regional centres in each of the coastal States/Union territories 
      • to promote research and development in the area of coastal management including addressing issues of coastal communities. 
Restructuring the project which includes:
  • revising the cost estimate
    • there has been cost revision during the implementation of the project due to natural calamities like Phallin, cost escalation and non response bids and others which is why the revised proposal was prepared
    • From the revision, the net total budget earmarked for 
      • Gujarat is Rs 387.17 crore, 
      • West Bengal- Rs 335.61 crore
      • Odisha - Rs 334.86 crore and 
      •  Rs 522.45 crore is for National Components. 
        • The national-level component also involves allocation of Rs 50 crore for undertaking preparation of DPR for the remaining ten coastal states and UTs keeping in view the vulnerability of the coastline to the climate change impacts and rising sea levels. 
          • The states and UTs are Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerela,Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Puducherry, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Islands and Daman and Diu. 
  • extension of the project period from March 31, 2015 to December 31, 2017 
CRZ -Coastal Regulation Zone Notifictaion 2011:

  • Accordingly, the Central Government has issued CRZ-2011 notification with a view to 
    • to ensure livelihood security to the fisher communities and other local communities, living in the coastal areas, 
    • to conserve and protect coastal stretches, its unique environment and its marine area and 
    • to promote development through sustainable manner based on scientific principles taking into account the dangers of natural hazards in the coastal areas, sea level rise due to global warming, does hereby, declare the coastal stretches of the country and the water area upto its territorial water limit
      • CRZ excludes the islands of Andaman and Nicobar and Lakshadweep and the marine areas surrounding these islands up to its territorial limit
    • to restrict the setting up and expansion of any industry, operations or processes and manufacture or handling or storage or disposal of hazardous substances as specified in the Hazardous Substances in the aforesaid CRZ. 
[Ref: PIB, Economic Times]


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