- Turkmenistan -- Afghanistan -- Pakistan -- India
- In discussion for 23+ years
- Issues : outstanding
- pricing
- Security
- Gas certification
- Geopolitical
- Technological
- 1680 km
- To start from approx - 2018
Source: The Dawn |
- Iran--Pakistan--India
- Conteptualised in early 1989
- India joined in 2005
- Was to be completed by 2013
- India withdrew in 2009
- Price
- Security
- gas volumes.
- Iran blames India of dropping out under pressure from the US.
- Pak and Iran - have gone ahead - construction started
- Myanmmar - Bangladesh - India
- Mooted in 1997
- 900 km
- 2005 - agreement of Ind - with both
- BUT - Bangla withdrew - coz:
- India refused 2 additional conditions
- SO - rerouting of line - via
- Mizo - tripura - assam - kolkata
- In the meantime - Myan - contract with China
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