Thursday, 23 July 2015

Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana (VKY)

Why in news?
Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana will gradually be expanded said Union Minister of State for Tribal Affairs

About VKY:

  • VKY a strategic process. It aims at creating enabling environment for need based and outcome oriented holistic development of the tribal people.
  • This process envisages to ensure that all the intended benefits of goods and services under various programmes/schemes of Central as well as State Governments actually reach the target groups by convergence of resources through appropriate institutional mechanism.
  • During the year 2014-15, an amount of Rs 10.00 crore was earmarked to each of the ten States having Schedule V Areas for undertaking initiatives for development of one Block in each State. 


  • It covers all tribal people and all areas with tribal population across the country.]
  • First phase - focus on 10 states having schedule 5 areas --> in blocks with atleast 33% tribal population
    • AP, MP, HP, Telangana, Orissa, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Gujarat. 
  • Plans to expand it further.


  • Improving the quality of life in tribal areas
  • Improving the quality of education
  • Qualitative and sustainable employment for tribal families
  • Bridging infrastructure gaps with focus on quality
  • Protection of tribal culture and heritage

  • Strengthening of institutions meant for delivery of goods and services with adequate administrative, technical and financial powers such as 
    • Tribal Welfare Departments as nodal Department, 
    • Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA), 
    • Integrated Tribal Development Projects (ITDPs) and 
    • creation of new ones where they do not exist etc.
  • Convergence of scattered resources and activities being undertaken under various components.
  • Preparation of perspective plan with outcome oriented and monitorable targets after baseline assessment involving Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) such as Gram Sabha etc.
  • Gender responsiveness.
  • A special purpose vehicle like Development Support Agency of Gujarat (D-SAG) operative in Gujarat State wherever needed.
  • To ensure that Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) components of Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) and State Plan (SP) are actually spent for tribal people and areas inhabited by tribal people.
  • A Project implementation Cell with the Ministry of Tribal Affairs at Central Government level.
  • Implementation of interventions primarily through ITDAs/ITDPs, with Public Private Partnership (PPP) support wherever needed and feasible.
  • Services of Academic Institutions, Research Organizations, Tribal Research Institutes and professional agencies for monitoring of outcomes.
  • In NE States where panchayats do not exist, institutions of decentralized governance at village / town level to be created.

  • Qualitative and sustainable employment.
  • Emphasis on quality education and higher education.
  • Accelerated economic development of tribal areas.
  • Health for all.
  • Housing for all.
  • Safe drinking water for all at doorsteps.
  • Irrigation facilities suited to the terrain.
  • All weather roads with connectivity to the nearby town/cities
  • Universal availability of electricity.
  • Urban development.
  • Promotion of sports in the tribal areas
  • Promotion and preservation of tribal culture and heritage
  • Robust institutional mechanism to roll the vehicle of development with sustainability.

Action Plan
These are state and tribe specific with area specific issues and priorities.

They would be consistent with the broad objectives and state specific interventions based on the socio-economic indicators. 
For example, a State with high literacy would focus on quality education and higher education to begin with,and ones with low literacy would focus on 100% enrolment etc.

Action Taken by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs

  • Held few rounds of consultations with the State and Central Government Ministries/Department on convergence of TSP resources for the desired outcomes.
  • A national level brain- storming session was held on 13th December 2014 with experts, institutions, retired and serving civil servants to prepare national priorities and way forward.
  • All the schemes of the Ministry have been brought in conformity with the VKY approach for tribal development.
  • A Project Appraisal Committee (PAC), headed by Secretary, MoTA constituted which appraised and approved the projects of the State with due convergence of TSP programmes.
  • Tribe wise literacy and other socio-economic indicators used as a tool for approval of projects.
  • Livelihoods like dairy development, horticulture have been provided focus, and skills for hospitality, teaching, para-medics, eco-tourism, computer training etc. have been advocated to address issue of employability and the overcome shortage of these personnel in tribal areas.
  • Language and cultural context are given due importance in design and implementation of programmes in education, health and socio-economic development. 
    • For examples, Primers in tribal language, holidays in conformity with tribal festival, inclusion of tribal art and craft in scholarship.
Challenges and Way Ahead
  • Finance, planning and line departments of the states have to agree for a protocol, so that TSP spending can be monitored. 
  • The Chief Minister of Gujarat has been monitoring TSP implementation. 
    • However, there is no certainty of its success in other states with CM heading the planning and monitoring committee. 
    • Rather it could delay the process if adequate commitment is not there. 
  • In the absence of the Planning Commission, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) could be the nodal agency for TSP allocation at the Central Government. 
    • Alternatively Ministry of Finance could be assigned this job in consultation with MoTA. 
  • Work of TSP appraisal and approval would require strengthening the manpower in the Ministry. 
  • The budget of MoTA of about Rs. 4000 crores is less than that of TSP component of many states. 
    • For example, the TDD of Gujrat administers about Rs 9000 crores a year. 
[Source; VKY Website]


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