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- Status:
- At 53 percentage points, India has one of the worst gender gaps in the
world when it comes to labour force participation, World Bank data shows
- structural problem in India
- 217 million women more- to bring parity
- India’s rank in the United Nations Gender Inequality Index for 2012 is
lower than the likes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Improving that is
perhaps one way to boost economic growth.
- Below all the above countries - Nepal, China, South Africa, Sri Lanka, etc.
- What will be the advantages?
- Economic -
- International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde says it will boost India’s economic output by as much as 27%.
- speaking at the launch of the W20, a grouping of women leaders from G20 countries.
- employment rate
- lesser workforce dependency ratio
- better service sector growth
- bridge skilled personnel deficit - in fields like - hospitality,childcare, education etc.
- Social
- Health indicators
- Respect
- Health, skills
- Low female foeticide
- Better Child development
- Say in decision making
- less crimes against women
- as they can keep check at all workplaces +
- more acceptance in society
- What are the limitations?
- security
- low sex ratio - sex-selective abortion
- societal strcuture
- conservatism
- skills education gap
- For instance, women’s economic participation is highest in the
northeastern states, where women traditionally enjoy a higher status in
- Economic census data shows the gender gap to be higher in urban
areas. In rural areas, high poverty and the economic necessity of work
helps bridge the gap.
- A high wage gap between men and women for the same
work also acts as a deterrent.
- How to increase their participation?
- Provide solution for all limitations above
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