Saturday, 13 June 2015

Bibek Debroy Panel Report

Why in news?
The committee submitted its recommendations suggesting OVERHAUL of RAILWAYS in India.

What are the recommendations of Panel?
It has laid down a 5 year roadmap to:

  • evolve a statutory rail regulator, 
  • scrap the Rail Budget and 
  • make room for more players in an “open access” regime 
This will turns the Railways into just another 'train-service provider' in the country.

The rail sector reform “should ensure competition…encourage private entry and private investments.”

The government should take the entire burden of social cost borne by Railways by way of subsidy.

Source: Times of India
Source: Times of India

Committee does not recommend privatization of Indian Railways, but it does endorse private entry, with the proviso of an independent regulator --> liberalization and not privatization or deregulation

The Committee has given timelines for various restructuring steps to be implemented:

[Source: Times of India, Indian Express]


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