Wednesday, 29 July 2015

15 Indian bird species in globally endangered list

Why in news?
  • Fifteen Indian bird species are part of a list of avians which are evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered.
  • The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and Yale University has come out with a study of 100 Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species worldwide.
Who's in the list?

  • birds that are under threat due to the destruction of their habitat of grasslands and scrub forests.
    • Bustards
      • Bengal Florican 
        • Occurs in Terai, Arunachal, Bangladesh, cambodia, vietnam
      • Lesser Florican
        • aka likh or kharmore
        • best known for the leaping breeding displays made by the males during the Monsoon season
        • smaller than bengal florican
      • Great Indian Bustard
      • Image: Wiki
        • Found in India and Pakistan
        • These birds are often found associated in the same habitat as blackbuck.
        • Today the bustard is restricted to isolated pockets in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan (shared with Pakistan)
        • When the "national bird" of India was under consideration, the great Indian bustard was a proposed candidate (strongly supported by the Indian ornithologist Salim Ali), but dropped in favour of the Indian peafowl with at least one reason being the potential for being misspelt. :P
    • Jerdon's Courser and Sociable Lapwing
    • Image Wiki
  • Birds greatly depend on the existence of their wetland habitat. 
    • Spoon-billed Sandpiper
    • Siberian Crane
    • White-bellied Heron 
  • Habitat of deciduous forests in central India
    • Forest Owlet’s
  • These species were threatened by human factors such as uncontrolled urbanisation, unsustainable industrialisation and rampant use of chemicals in agriculture


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