Why in news?
Launched in April 2015
-FAME: Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of hybrid and Electric Vehicles.
-to boost sale of eco-friendly vehicles.
-Part of National Mission for Electric Mobility
-The scheme envisages Rs 795 crore support in the first two fiscals starting with the current year.
-it envisages providing demand incentives to electric and hybrid vehicles from two wheelers to buses in range of 1800 rupees to 66 lakh rupees
-Focus areas of the scheme will be
1.technology development;
2.demand creation;
3. pilot projects; and
4. charging infrastructure
-The Department of Heavy Industries will be nodal department for the scheme.
Launched in April 2015
-FAME: Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of hybrid and Electric Vehicles.
-to boost sale of eco-friendly vehicles.
-Part of National Mission for Electric Mobility
- NEMMP aims to achieve national fuel security by promoting
hybrid and electric vehicles in the country. There is an ambitious
target to achieve 6-7 million sales of hybrid and electric vehicles
per year from 2020 onwards.
-The scheme envisages Rs 795 crore support in the first two fiscals starting with the current year.
-it envisages providing demand incentives to electric and hybrid vehicles from two wheelers to buses in range of 1800 rupees to 66 lakh rupees
-Focus areas of the scheme will be
1.technology development;
2.demand creation;
3. pilot projects; and
4. charging infrastructure
-The Department of Heavy Industries will be nodal department for the scheme.
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