Thursday, 30 July 2015

Compensatory Afforestation Fund Bill, 2015

Compensatory Afforestation Management Planning Authority (CAMPA) was established in 1980. 

Afforestation levy as compensation for cutting down the forests was charged; till now more than Rs 35,000 has accrued, but has not been utilised.

Why a new bill?

- A new method for the utilisation of the bill.
- It establishes two separate category of funds: National CAF and State CAFs for each state.
- These funds will be "non-lapsable interest bearing" funds.
- 90% of National CAF will be transferred to State CAFs, and Afforestation will be primarily their responsibilities. (of the States)

-National CAMPA and State CAMPA will manage the respective funds.

-Establishment of a Monitoring Group to assist the National CAMPA in monitoring and evaluation of activities undertaken from amounts released from the National CAF and State CAFs.


  • Apart from mitigating the impact of diversion of forest land, utilisation of these amounts will also result in 
    • creation of productive assets 
    • generation of huge employment opportunities in rural areas, especially in backward tribal areas.


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