Why in news?
- Known medically as Kyasnaur Forest Disease (KFD)
- First detected in 1950s, but it was endemic to Shimdoga in Karnataka till recently.
- Now detected in Kerala, that's why in news.
- Viral disease
- human contract infection by the bite of tick
- Among animals, only monkeys seem to succumb to the infection after they come into contact with infected ticks.
- Monkey deaths in a locality is often an indication that human infections might follow.
- That's why called "monkey fever".
- The symptoms of the disease include a high fever with frontal headaches, followed by haemorrhagic symptoms, such as bleeding from the nasal cavity, throat, and gums, as well as gastrointestinal bleeding.
- A vaccine has been developed, but not very effective.
- No specific treatment available.
- 10% morbidity.
[Contributed by: CHANDAN KUMAR]
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